Friday, May 12, 2006

Back Again

Cliahs Art Show
In Jerome
Little Mattie
With Big Sister
Big Cowboy

Well it has been a few weeks hasn't it. We have been pretty busy, with Mattie and our two other children. It does take time to adjust, but then do you really ever or do you just change? It is already starting to get hot here - yuck! I could do without the heat for another month or so. I think it is 85 today.

Cliah and Roman are doing really good. Roman is having trouble sharing his mom with the new baby. He has been getting into lots of trouble at home and at preschool. He started calling me Mama (like baby talk), and has become really needy. Poor little guy, there just isn't enough time in the day. Cliah seems fine with the new addition. She already went through this once, so I don't think it is so bad for her. I am sure she is jealous, it's only natural, but she isn't acting out or anything. She is a really good helper, she loves to hold the baby, and is always lending me an extra pair of arms.

Mattie is really growing on all of us though. She smiles a lot and makes little noises, like she is trying to talk. She is already almost 11 pounds of fun. She is a real little cutie.

Well that's it for now, hopefully I will be back soon!