Saturday, February 25, 2006



Well I am beginning an official countdown to my due date. I have officially 36 days until I am due. I still don't think I am, what they call, mentally prepared. We don't even have a sure name picked out. Every time I say a name for example Madeline, my husband makes up a name like Madine. I told him I don't want a made up name, and he just insists. So annoying, or how about these ones he came up with.
Maline (sounds like saline)
Malea ( do I need say anything)
Zalea (*-*)
I like the name Mattie. I really, really like that name, but if I bring it up, he says nothing, nothing! We haven't even touched on boys names, they are not as fun to think up.
Anyways, another baby will be at our house before you know it, and my butt is starting to look like my moms butt, no offense. But after three kids, I mean your butt does change.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Going to NY, again!


Well it's all set, we are going to Conneticut via New York this summer. American Airlines had a smashing deal for $123 each plus tax to fly round trip, what a deal! Our whole family can go for about $600.00. So we will be flying out my husband and I, my daughter, my son and an infant, oh boy! It will be interesting flying with so many little ones. I am going to have to find out about a bassinet out there, because I am not going to bring mine, it just can't happen.

The last time I was in NY was on two days before 9-11. We went to NY on Sunday the 9th and were scheduled to leave on the 12th. Regardless to say we were stuck in Conneticut for a few extra days and it was very unnerving. I remember sleeping in my father in-laws apartment in Westport and hearing those New England ambulance and firetruck sirens. I woke up to them on September 12th and thought the world was ending. To me they sounded like air raid sirens and I was very scared.

It was such a long time ago, and I haven't been back since. I kind of just reluctantly send my husband by himself because I just haven't had the interest in going. So it is going to be strange to be back there after all this time and traveling with my whole family. I hate flying, but to bring all my kids too, it's just kind of scary. But I have to just think of how many people fly every day with no problems.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Is it a Boy or a Girl?

So I would like some guesses on boy or girl? Please give me a one liner comment, boy or girl? By the way I already have one of each! Can you believe a baby is living in there? Every time I imagine the baby in there, it's in computer imagery, because I can't really picture what it actually is like. I have 39 days to go :-0, and I think it's going to be another 8 1/2 pounder like my other two. Can't wait to post some newborn pics!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Anyone have any good baby names they want to share. My kids current names are Cliah and Roman, so I kind of have to live up to a certain standard of originality. We don't know if it's a boy or girl so any name ideas are appreciated. I really could use some ideas, my husband and I can't agree on anything and we have less than 6 weeks until the due date. OMG!

In the meantime I am completely sick. Cough, runny nose, this is the first spurt of energy I have had since Sunday. I keep thinking I am getting better and then I get worse. I can't wait for this cold to be over! I think I will still take it easy today and stay home so I can actually get well.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

It's Been a While

So another baby due in 6 weeks. I'm like an actual baby making machine. My husband said he wants to get a milking cow, and I told him he'll have one in about 6 weeks. No but seriously, we are having a home birth this time and I am scared to death. Anyone out there know about home birth? I am taking a four hour class today at the midwifes office, so it should be interesting.

So this is the most snow we have had here all winter. It's been really, really dry! I can't believe that spring is almost here and it has only snowed one time, how depressing! I guess that is why some people like Arizona. Wish I was one of them. I would actually love to move to Idaho or Oregon. Somewhere wet and cold. I think I am starting to dry up like a lizard from all this dry crackly weather.

Maybe I will post some pictures soon of the birth, just kidding, I don't think anyone wants to see that.