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Well yesterday was very tiring. I assembled my daughters doll house all by myself! It is such a pretty house, I really love it. I always wanted a big doll house when I was little. I had a dollhouse that my Dad made out of two wooden apple crates. He wallpapered the inside with wallpaper samples and carpeted the floors with carpet samples. That dollhouse got used. I don't know why I want my daughter to have so much. She is just so deserving and I want her to have nice things.
Sunday is her birthday party. She is having 12 kids or so and I am renting one of those bounce contraptions. It is going to be fun. I have her cake ordered and I am not sure what snacks or drinks I am going to serve yet. Maybe some grape and cherry soda? Chips and dip and a bowl of grapes. What about some popcorn? I think that is a fine party.
Man, I could go on about nothing for days. I don't seem to notice very many other blogs created by twenty something, stay at home moms. Maybe I should be ashamed for even wasting my precious time here. My son, however is napping, the house is clean (sort of), the laundry is in the dryer, and we are eating out at Three Margarita's for dinner. I just wrote my sister a letter, and man my handwriting is BADDDD! I felt like my hand was going to fall off, and it was a little short letter. Oh well, I should go do something.
Well I guess it's time for a little politics. I vote for Bush! I know "Oh My God"! But hey, we all are entitled to our own opinions right? So he lied, well so did every other president in the history of the world. Do you really think the government tells us everything? I find that hard to believe. Maybe Iraq was a little hasty, but in the end aren't we safer as a world without Sadam Hussein in power? As far as John Kerry goes, Please! He is such a loser, I cannot believe he could become President, but you know I thought the same about Clinton and look at his little run. I actually think it would be funny to watch Kerry as pres. But also I am not willing to risk my future with a President as anti-war as John Kerry. Sorry. Well I am going to go give Roman a nap, and then watch Starting Over. I Love those SO Girls! !
If this is all about me, for me, then I can write anything! That is the freedom of this web log. I can be judged by the public world and maybe some friends/family if I told them where to find this, and I am here to shout out whatever! Which isn't much sorry to say!
Well I had a very uninteresting weekend. I went to a Women's "Retreat" with about 75 other women from my church. Retreat is not the word I would have used to describe this even however. More like a "Spiritual Flood". I will probably never go again, and to those who do, go right ahead. Don't get me wrong, I am a very spiritual person, I am just not THAT spiritual. I don't think it should be called a "Retreat" either. Doesn't retreat mean - the act or process of withdrawing, especially from something hazardous, formidable, or unpleasant. Well then what I went to was not a Retreat. The best part I thought, was on the drive home my mother and I made a stop at the Casino and each won about a hundred dollars. That was nice! This was the only weekend I have ever had away from my two year old son, IN MY LIFE SO FAR, and it sucked! Sorry retreaters out there, but something about the retreat needs some change. Make it fun, so people young and old will want to go. Make it relaxing, make it worth while. Oh and then there were these prayer groups, where you split up into groups of 4-6. Then you talk about your current problems, and then you have to pray OUT LOUD in front of complete strangers! No thanks!! I do any praying in private-SILENTLY! That is what prayer is to me - meditation, not a speech you give to a group of strangers. Well I have to go, I am trying to get back into some sort of work out routine, and while writing out my feeling on a web log is a great source of therapy, it is not going to keep me in shape. So see ya later!!!
Well tonite is Bunco.. I love Bunco nite! It is my only nite out with the ladies. Okay most of them are 15 years older than me, that's okay. I don't mind. All I know is I get to go to someone elses house, have a nice home cooked meal, play a little game, have some cake and maybe win $20 bucks. Not a bad night if you ask me. The scary part is my husband will be watching our two kids. Scary right? Just wait until this weekend. I am going to be gone for the first time overnight. That is going to be tough for all of them. Well I got to go straiten my hair. It's a giant frizz ball.
I am finally getting this stuff figured out. Sure does take some time to get things done. Blogging that is. Maybe blogging is just for computer geeks, but I like just having something, something of my own! I don't even care if anyone reads it. I just like having it out there. Well I have spent far too long goofing around on this today, tomorrow I am just going to finally write!
My profile makes me sick. Thats it? A domestic engineer? AKA Housewife... What was I thinking when I wrote that! That I was being really cool? Sometimes I am such a dork. Did I mention my dilemma? I can't make homemade chicken pot pie because I just realized I am out of carrots. Hmm, what to do, what to do. Now my whole dinner is ruined. I have to leave in a few to pick up my daughter and take her to gymnastics. Wow. Maybe then, do the balance again. I think my husband bought more tile materials today, it would figure because that is his job. I got some really nice fitting jeans today. That is something to be proud of. And I did it in the company of my two year old son. It isn't easy taking a 2 year old to a department store, let me tell you. Every time I took my pants off in the dressing room he made a fart sound. Thanks son. At least no one popped in this time. That was humiliating!
Well this is my first blog. I am not even sure what a blog is or who will look at it. Maybe it is a way to meet interesting people? Maybe I could just go out and it would have the same effect. Although then my 2 year old son and my 7 year old daughter might think I was weird.