30 days and counting
Doesn't seem long to you, but to me this will be the longest 30 days of my life. I am no longer sleeping comfortable at all. I put a pillow between my knees, but that doesn't help. I am supposed to sleep on my left side, but often wake up on my back and you aren't supposed to sleep on your back. Both of my hands go numb during the night, it doesn't sound bad, but it's really uncomfortable. Not to mention I have to haul myself out of bed about every hour to pee, then when I get back to bed I feel like I could drink a gallon of water. Then when I get under the covers I start sweating all over so I get my wet washcloth from the nightstand and cool myself off. I get back aches all day and my feet hurt. I can't go hardly anywhere, I get so tired from just one store, plus you have to hope every place you go is going to have a bathroom. The heartburn, oh the heartburn!There are good sides too, like you don't have to worry about birth control, if you are waiting for a table at Chilis some handsome gent will probably offer you a seat, the energy bursts and the afternoon naps, and the baby constantly squirming and kicking you all about. Sometimes I wonder what that baby is up to in there, it feels like he/she is trying to kick his/her way out. Pretty soon the baby will be out and then I will be wishing the baby was still inside. I need to be happy with what I have right now!
Thanks for the nice comment. We love it up here in Oregon. It's so GREEN and always much cooler. As for your latest post...Thats way to much info for your Uncle John.
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