Well I am beginning an official countdown to my due date. I have officially 36 days until I am due. I still don't think I am, what they call, mentally prepared. We don't even have a sure name picked out. Every time I say a name for example Madeline, my husband makes up a name like Madine. I told him I don't want a made up name, and he just insists. So annoying, or how about these ones he came up with.
Maline (sounds like saline)
Malea ( do I need say anything)
Zalea (*-*)
I like the name Mattie. I really, really like that name, but if I bring it up, he says nothing, nothing! We haven't even touched on boys names, they are not as fun to think up.
Anyways, another baby will be at our house before you know it, and my butt is starting to look like my moms butt, no offense. But after three kids, I mean your butt does change.
No way my butts as big as your ha!MOM
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