Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Letting go..

So I pondered this week anger, worry and hate, and letting go of it.. you see I have a really nasty neighbor, she does things to try to make our life more difficult.. So I thought I should get back at her, but you know, love thy neighbor and all that, I decided to just let it go, yes she will still be mean, and I will still be me. I am not vengeful, I am not spiteful and I do not hold onto bitterness, it just is such a waste of time in my ever so busy life.

My worry comes from all of our financial trouble this past year, I worry constantly, I have tried to let go in the past, but it always comes back and I lose sleep, or I get anxiety attacks. So I am going to just let go of my worry, I am going to let God worry for me and just let him take it away. I am not going to try I am just going to stop. Amen!

Well hate, I don't really have any, well maybe for this one sheep we have, I do hate her a little, she baas constantly even right after I feed her, so God if you are listening, could you just take away my hate for that nasty sheep.. Thanks!

I am really trying to get certain things strait in my life, I feel like I have to, with 5 kids and all these animals, and the garden and the home school, I feel like I really have to start trusting in God fully and let him help me with certain areas that need work. So I am trying to get organized, trying to be healthier, trying to be more even tempered, I am even trying to quit swearing. I have been saying applesauce, witch and some other creative words.. Life can always be better, a better me, a better home, a better attitude, better!