stinks! If I had the courage I would go down there and tell her what I really think. Next week is AIMS testing and in the good old state of AZ every 3rd grade student is required to take them. My question was if my daughter is absent a day next week can she do a make up test. My daughter asked her teacher and the teacher said she better not miss one day next week, that she doesn't care when I am having my baby, Cliah better not miss school, or she is going to get in trouble. So Cliah is all upset and worried that IF I have the baby during the week of next, that she will have to go to school, even if she has been up all night, even if I am in the middle of delivery when she is supposed to walk to the bus. Her teacher doesn't care about our situation, all she cares about is that the principal is on her case for whatever reason, and she doesn't want any of her students missing one day next week. Tyrant! Well what if they were involved in some mishap, and couldn't make it? Is that student going to get it? GRRR she makes me so mad! I told my daughter that Mrs. Schumacher does not make the rules of my life, and if Cliah is to stay home one day then toooooo bad Mrs. Meanie. This gave Cliah a little smile, and me too.
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