Wednesday, April 26, 2006



Well baby Mattie is almost 3 weeks old, and a busy 3 weeks it has been. That is why I haven't really been updating my weblog daily as I was before. She is actually sleeping very well at night but when she is awake during the day she wants to be held almost constantly. She was weighed today and is a whopping 9 lbs 3 oz. She is starting to get chunky little legs and arms, which is sooo cute.

I am sad to announce that my parents have sold their cabin. They will still own it for another month I think before it goes into escrow, and I am really going to miss the old place. But I think in the end it will be a good move for my parents as they will have options to invest in another property, maybe closer to us. We are going to go look at a 5 acre ranch today, that also has another unused 5 acres adjacent to it for sale. We'll see if it is a good deal or not, it sounds really good!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006



Mattie Anne

She finally arrived. April 7th 2006 at 3:22am. A beautiful little baby girl. 8 pounds even and 19 1/2 inches long. Her birth was fine, 7 hours of not too bad labor, towards the end it was pretty intense. The midwife broke my water at 9 cm and the contractions became more painful. I just wanted it to be over so badly. She was a little harder to push out than Roman, and yes it hurt.
After I had her, I thought everything was fine until I started noticing a lot of blood and noticing I was getting really dizzy just lying on the bed. The midwife came to check on me and was pretty concerned. They kept saying are you doing okay? Stay awake, things like that. She gave me a shot on the thigh, and made me drink something yucky, and then I felt a little better. She kept checking my blood pressure and pulse and I guess when my blood pressure was about 60/20 they called 911. The whole time I was just completely dizzy and didn't know what was going on. The next thing I know there are all these firemen and paramedics in my room, the lights are all on, and everyone is saying Colleen stay awake. So I had to be transported to the hospital in Prescott to find out why I was hemorrhaging.
I found out several hours later that part of the placenta was still attached inside my uterus and this was where I was hemorrhaging. Not only that, but the hemorrhage was causing me to clot ridiculously and some of the clots were as big as a softball. They removed everything right there in the hospital room with nothing to numb the pain and let me tell you it was much worse pain than the whole childbirth. But it is all overwith now, and I am so glad that it is. Now I have a beautiful little baby girl and I am so grateful that she is healthy and happy and we are all safe.

My Mom was here for the entire birth and just went home last night. She really helped me out, I think I would be feeling a lot worse if she hadn't been here to help me out. I am really going to miss her, in fact I cried after she left, but I am okay now. I know she will read this, so Mom, don't feel bad, you were a great help to me! Roman and Cliah are so proud to have a new little sister. Roman is sooo sweet giving her kisses and Cliah wants to help as much as she can. We are all going to have to adjust to having another member of the family, but I am sure we will do just fine.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

My daughters teacher


stinks! If I had the courage I would go down there and tell her what I really think. Next week is AIMS testing and in the good old state of AZ every 3rd grade student is required to take them. My question was if my daughter is absent a day next week can she do a make up test. My daughter asked her teacher and the teacher said she better not miss one day next week, that she doesn't care when I am having my baby, Cliah better not miss school, or she is going to get in trouble. So Cliah is all upset and worried that IF I have the baby during the week of next, that she will have to go to school, even if she has been up all night, even if I am in the middle of delivery when she is supposed to walk to the bus. Her teacher doesn't care about our situation, all she cares about is that the principal is on her case for whatever reason, and she doesn't want any of her students missing one day next week. Tyrant! Well what if they were involved in some mishap, and couldn't make it? Is that student going to get it? GRRR she makes me so mad! I told my daughter that Mrs. Schumacher does not make the rules of my life, and if Cliah is to stay home one day then toooooo bad Mrs. Meanie. This gave Cliah a little smile, and me too.

Monday, April 03, 2006

April 3rd and Overdue!

Well I am officially over my pregnancy due date. I am so tired! I don't feel like doing much the last few days. I did go to the mall, but after two stores I was pooped! I'm trying to stay active but it is really tiring carrying around this fully grown baby all the time. I feel like the baby is taking over my body. How long is he/she going to stay in there? Does he/she need an invitation or what? I talk to the baby all the time and say "come on, come on out". I imagine the baby is just so comfortable, all warm and cozy and sleeping most of the day that it just doesn't care about coming out. Well maybe the baby is uncomfortable all squished in there, squishing my intestines and doesn't know how to get things moving. I can't wait to see how big this baby is, I think it will be the biggest yet.

Yesterday was a gorgeous day. We went to the Park and took some subs and a blanket and had a nice time. By the time I got home I had to sleep for and hour and every one of us got sunburned. That's Arizona for you. Freezing one week and sunburned the next.

Oh well, that's it for now, I am going to go call my Mom, it's been a while.