Monday, September 27, 2004

The "Retreat"

Well I had a very uninteresting weekend. I went to a Women's "Retreat" with about 75 other women from my church. Retreat is not the word I would have used to describe this even however. More like a "Spiritual Flood". I will probably never go again, and to those who do, go right ahead. Don't get me wrong, I am a very spiritual person, I am just not THAT spiritual. I don't think it should be called a "Retreat" either. Doesn't retreat mean - the act or process of withdrawing, especially from something hazardous, formidable, or unpleasant. Well then what I went to was not a Retreat. The best part I thought, was on the drive home my mother and I made a stop at the Casino and each won about a hundred dollars. That was nice! This was the only weekend I have ever had away from my two year old son, IN MY LIFE SO FAR, and it sucked! Sorry retreaters out there, but something about the retreat needs some change. Make it fun, so people young and old will want to go. Make it relaxing, make it worth while. Oh and then there were these prayer groups, where you split up into groups of 4-6. Then you talk about your current problems, and then you have to pray OUT LOUD in front of complete strangers! No thanks!! I do any praying in private-SILENTLY! That is what prayer is to me - meditation, not a speech you give to a group of strangers. Well I have to go, I am trying to get back into some sort of work out routine, and while writing out my feeling on a web log is a great source of therapy, it is not going to keep me in shape. So see ya later!!!